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Who is Artur rehi?

Victory or Death!

Artur Rehi is an Estonian military blogger who travels to Ukraine every 2 months to deliver Vehicles, Drones, night- and thermal vision devices to Ukrainian Units. Being Estonian he understands the Ukrainian fight for Independence since Estonia has been fighting against Russian occupation for generations.

Artur’s grandfather Ants Paju was deported to Siberia as a four year old boy and was scarred for life by the Soviet atrocities. Artur grew up with the stories about the horrors from the Russian crimes against the Estonian people. Deep yearning for freedom and the perseverance of one’s family, language and traditions is a key factor that guides Artur in his missions to aid the Ukrainian Nation.

Artur understands the simple truth: if Ukraine falls, Estonia will fall, so for him, it is a matter of Victory or death.

Together with Artur’s Army We will bring Ukraine to Victory!


I’m glad you’re here

My name is Artur Rehi, I am the Estonian Soldier and this is my store. I was conscripted into the Estonian Army in 2018 and as of now I am in the reserves. There is no team behind this store, just me. With every purchase you support the Estonian Soldier youtube channel and I thank you for it.

Stay cool! ✌️